Tuesday 26 June 2012

4 wildest things to do before you die !!!!!

Feel The AdReNaLiNe RuSh

when in agneepath kancha(the villian) says "तुम क्या लेके आये थे , और क्या लेके  जाओगे? "(what you got when you were born and what will you take when you die?) the audiences get angry go wild shout at him for his bad essence but there in his words lies a truth : It would cost a pretty penny to engage in most of these activities but what the heck when you cannot take it anyways ,if you should die in pursuit of completing this list, then you’ll have died doing what only a handful of other people have done in their lifetime.


Ok, you don’t have a spare $20 million to spend for a 7-day trip to the International Space Station. That’s fine, but you don’t have to give up. How about considering a trip to the edge of space in a British Jet Fighter called the Lightning? Just think about it for a minute. Imagine flying 60,000 feet high over the earth at a speed of 50 thousand feet per minute and seeing the curvature of the earth. Now, that would fill a barf bag up with a stomach full of excitement.


To put 60,000 feet in perspective, it’s like stacking 41.29 Empire State Building one on top of another and still fall a little short of the height that this flight would take you.


Following in the footsteps of King Khufu and travel back in time to 2720-2560 BC to marvel at the engineering masterpiece of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Giza. An estimated 2.6 million blocks weighing as much as 70 tons apiece were used in the construction of the Great Pyramid. Can you imagine the sense of achievement that it would be to climb to the top of the 482-foot Great Pyramid and panning the vast desert landscape?


The subterranean chamber leads to a passage that descends 345 feet beneath the earth. It’s foundation covers thirteen acres and has lost 33 feet of all of its dimensions due to erosion of its marble encasing that once was used to protect the pyramid from the brutal desert elements.


After watching the movie Jaws, it seemed like the perfect extreme vacation that would scare the heck out of you and overload the senses with unthinkable excitement. Great white sharks circling the cage like a prehistoric stealth bomber planning its attack. The only thing that is between you and them is a stainless steel cage. Every time the sharks crash into the cage with the power of a truck, the strength of the engineering is being tested. Diving with sharks is on this list, because the attraction can eat the spectators.


Live out your wildest dream of becoming an ultra-secret covert agent and assigned a mission to take down the enemy hideout and complete the mission. No, you don’t have to join the military to experience the action of a realistic covert operation and receive covert ops training before the mission begins.
Incredible-Adventures.com offers such a vacation for the most extreme vacation adventurers among us. I found this website while researching for this article and was amazed at what some people are willing to do, just to add a little adventure in their lives. Sure, combat pistol training and high-speed evasive driving excises might sound exciting and becoming secret agent 021 (3 times more lethal than 007) has always captured the attention of many young men and boys the world over.


Dropping down behind enemy lines operating under deep cover and carrying out missions only a few high-level government officials have approved is normally referred to as Covert Ops (Covert Operations).

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